Clutter Busting Inspiration at FestiGals 2016!

Overwhelmed with too much stuff? You're not alone! Clutter is known to contribute to anxiety, stress and depression. Not exactly the most positive way to begin and end your daily routine but how can you stop the madness? You may be surprised to hear New Orleans #1 professional organizer say forget about getting organized but that's exactly what I'm telling you to do. 

Clear the Clutter Rachel's Clothing.jpg

As a guest speaker at this years FestiTalks I'll share in greater detail why it's time to shift your focus. Instead of trying to organize your clutter I encourage you to let your clutter go! There are many reasons why we may cling to things that no longer serve a purpose, emotional clutter being a major contributor. However you have the power to change your personal environment and to improve your quality of life simply by downsizing. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Schedule a time to declutter and put it on your calendar.
  2. Start with a small & manageable task
  3. Make a decision on every item you touch. 
  4. Donate, donate, donate! Call Bridge House to schedule a donation pick up. 
  5. Celebrate your accomplishments big and small. 

What are your clutter challenges or success stories? I look forward to hearing your experiences and seeing you at FestiGals.

Happy Downsizing!

Stasia Cymes
(504) 920-1800
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Clear the Clutter Has a Fresh New Look!

Home is where the heart is. That was the inspiration behind my logo redesign and I couldn't be happier with the outcome. My simple philosophy is that when you take care of your home it returns the favor by taking care of you. This mutually beneficial relationship is what I strive to accomplish with my clients through clutter busting. 

What do you love about your home? Tell us what you think about Clear the Clutters new look! 

Happy Downsizing!                                                                                                                                   
Stasia Cymes
(504) 920-1800
Follow me on Facebook 


Mystery of Missing Socks

Thinking about organizing your closet? Before you get in over your head watch this short video and discover the best place to begin. 

Happy Downsizing!                                                            (504) 920-1800 &n…

Happy Downsizing!                                                            

(504) 920-1800                                                                                                                         

Newest 5 Star Review!

I always appreciate it when clients take the time to share their experience via social media. It allows someone else struggling with clutter to identify with another persons particular challenges & maybe not feel so alone. The struggle is real!

This morning Clear the Clutter is thrilled to receive the following 5 Star review on Google Business. 

"Highly recommend Clear the Clutter. Stasia not only helped me tackle bins of papers I'd avoided for years but she gently taught me practical and simple ways to prevent further pile ups! She quickly assessed the situation and immediately had a strategy for getting started, often the hardest part for me. Then as she got to know me and my habits, she came up with more helpful observations and solutions she shared. She is worth every $ as the piece of mind and lightness of spirit that has resulted from our sessions is priceless.I have learned skills that I will take to my new dwelling and new life! Feels great to start over."

Happy Downsizing!

Stasia Cymes                                                                                                                                       Professional Organizer & owner of Clear the Clutter                                                             

(504) 920-1800                                                                                                                         

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Is Tupperware the Bane of Your Existence?

If your like most people chances are you've got a mountain of tupperware toppling out of your cabinets & a multitude of lids with no mate. So what's the solution? Watch this clip from WWL-TV Channel 4 Morning News for a Clear the Clutter demonstration. In less than 4 min you'll know what to do!

Happy Downsizing!

Stasia Cymes                                                                                                                                       Professional Organizer & owner of Clear the Clutter                                                                  (504) 920-1800                                                                                                                        

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Life Hacks for an Organized Kitchen!

Spoiler alert! There is no such thing as perfection when it come to an organized kitchen. Life is messy. So what can you do to control the chaos? Spend a few hours to take inventory of what you have & notice what you can live without. 

Here are 4 life hacks for the kitchen that anyone can do. 

If you'd like to take a deeper look at the relationship you have with your belongings be sure to read this Yahoo Business article featuring yours truly!

Happy Downsizing!

Stasia Cymes                                                                                                                                       Professional Organizer & owner of Clear the Clutter                                                                  (504) 920-1800                                                                                                                         

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Spring Cleaning for Small Businesses

Here's a topic I often get asked about. Office clutter! If your business or home office struggles with organization this short article by Adrienne Burke offers 4 great tips to get you started! 

Happy Downsizing!

Stasia Cymes                                                                                                                                       Professional Organizer & owner of Clear the Clutter                                                                    (504) 920-1800                                                                                                                         

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Happy Mother's Day!

Wishing all you hard working moms a well deserved day of rest & relaxation. Praying for those that are loving us from heaven. To all the mother figures in this world. Thank you for taking care of us!

Happy Mother's Day!

Stasia Cymes                                                                                                                                       Professional Organizer & owner of Clear the Clutter                                                                    (504) 920-1800                                                                                                                         

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Clear the Clutter Sessions Now on Skype/FaceTime!

I'm so excited to announce that a nation wide service is now available to help you Clear the Clutter! This months newsletter tells you everything you need to know about 3 hour virtual sessions, a great option for the DIY clutter busters everywhere.  Read more....

Happy Downsizing!

Stasia Cymes                                                                                                                                       Professional Organizer & owner of Clear the Clutter                                                                      (504) 920-1800                                                                                                                         

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Can you be Organized on Crutches?

While running with my dog Mr. Zulu my foot landed wrong causing me to roll my ankle. One trip to urgent care, a visit to the podiatrist & almost 4 weeks later I'm still on crutches. I don't have to tell you what a huge inconvenience this has been, losing your ability to walk really changes the game. So how hard is it for an already organized person to remain or continue being organized after an injury?

Turns out it's really hard! For me it's meant being less independent & asking for help. Naturally I wanted to continue going on with life as usual but when that's not an option you adapt. Once I accepted this I began to turn my attention to other areas of my life such as relationships & projects that I never had time for. It's been a tough road but here are a few things I've learned from the experience so far.

1. Being organized before the accident was a huge advantage! Simple things like having clean dishes, finished laundry & groceries in the fridge bought me time to rest & worry less. 

2. Having a messy house or clutter on the floor would have been a safety hazard for me on crutches. 

3. I plan out my household actions in advance to save energy & effort. Such as if I'm getting up to go to the bathroom I should take my dishes back to the kitchen & while I'm there I should take my medication & feed the dog. Otherwise I could be hobbling back & forth for an hour!

4. When you need help, ask. When help is offered say yes, thank you! 

If you're currently suffering from injury or illness your energy is better spent healing. However when you're back in the swing of things I urge you to make downsizing & simplifying your home a huge priority. It will benefit fit you greatly in sickness & in health. 

Happy Downsizing!

Stasia Cymes                                                                                                                                       Professional Organizer & owner of Clear the Clutter                                                                        (504) 920-1800                                                                                                                         

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WWOZ, Organizer of the Groove Part 2!

Last month I was invited to organize two offices over at WWOZ. If you've ever felt distracted by clutter at work know that you're not alone. When your space lacks order then precious time can be lost looking for items that should otherwise be easy to find. 

Once we eliminated the clutter & found a proper home for everything else, this office was transformed from a storage room into a professional workspace that's now the envy of other coworkers!  

We organized everything! Filing cabinets, desk drawers, bookcases & more. Even the mailing station got an upgrade.  

Not only do I find beauty in simplicity but I also find great joy in decorating in a way that inspires creativity. When you walk into your office how does it make you feel? 

There's more on the horizon for me here at WWOZ. That's the thing about getting organized. It motivates those around you to get organized too. Sometimes you just need a little inspiration. 

Happy Downsizing!

Stasia Cymes                                                                                                                                       Professional Organizer & owner of Clear the Clutter                                                                          (504) 920-1800                                                                                                                         

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Recycling Mardi Gras!

Mardi Gras is here & chances are your home is already filling up with bags of beads & throws. But when the season is over what do you do with all the stuff?

Donate your beads & throws with Arc of New Orleans! Arc’s Mardi Gras Recycle Center is open year round collecting items that are then sorted, packaged & sold. Creating jobs for our disabled community by keeping Mardi Gras out of landfills is a win win!

Can't wait? Recycle your beads & throws after Saturday's parade. Look for Arc's 10 purple roller bins walking behind Krewe of Feret! I look forward to the day that we can recycle after every parade. 

Happy Mardi Gras! 

Stasia Cymes                                                                                                                                       Professional Organizer & owner of Clear the Clutter                                                                      (504) 920-1800                                                                                                                         

WWOZ, Organizer of the Groove

As a lover of music I was really excited when my favorite radio station asked if I could help them get organized! A new team member recently joined the station & unfortunately for her the only office space available happened to double as a storage room. I believe that our surroundings should inspire, not hinder our productivity & right away I could see why this room was a problem. 

The challenge is that 80% of this stuff doesn't belong in this room. The problem is that the other offices are just as full which means a lot of thought is going into finding a forever home for every single item. It's a jigsaw puzzle with many colorful pieces!

Over the next few weeks my goal is to bring a sense of order to the WWOZ offices for the wonderful people that work there. This is already turning out to be one of my favorite Clear the Clutter projects! I'll be blogging more photos & Guardians of the Groove office updates as progress is made. Stay tuned! 

P.S. Get your 2016 Brass Pass & become an OZ member! 

Happy Downsizing!

Stasia Cymes 

(504) 902-1800                                                                                                                             Professional Organizer & Owner of Clear the Clutter                                                          

The Advocate, Urge to Purge!

After losing weight, getting organized is the 2nd most popular New Years resolution. In this follow up article with The Advocate we take a look at the top 3 common clutter offenders. Click here to read to the full article! 

Happy Downsizing!

Stasia Cymes 

(504) 902-1800                                                                                                                             Professional Organizer & Owner of Clear the Clutter                                                            

The Advocate, How to Stay Organized After the Holidays!

I was so excited when The Advocate recently contacted me for advice on Holiday clutter. Click here to read the full article. 

Happy Downsizing!

Stasia Cymes                                                                                                                                          

(504) 902-1800                                                                                                                             Professional Organizer & Owner of Clear the Clutter                                                                                                                                        

Easy Tips for an Organized Pantry!

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching now is a great time to get your pantry in order! Before you start makin' groceries or even a grocery list, a single afternoon spent taking inventory of your kitchen can save you time, money & stress. 

Watch this months CTC segment on WWL-TV Channel 4 morning news & see how easy it is to Clear the Clutter from your pantry!

Follow me on facebook for inspiration!

Stasia Cymes

(504) 920-1800 

Do You Keep Emotional Clutter On Your Phone?

As a professional organizer I often see how objects affect my clients lives. From clothing to keepsake. But what about your phone?

Iphone Contacts.png

I believe that when we take the time to delete or keep people in our phone we are also reevaluating our relationship with them. Are they worthy of being in your life? Do you carry their energy with you everywhere you take your phone? I've begun to downsize the amount of contacts I have on my cell. I was surprised at how many numbers I no longer need & more importantly I discovered that there were people who I have no desire to talk to ever again! The simple act of hitting that delete button is a way of letting go of what I like to call emotional clutter. The next time you're waiting at the doctors office, sitting in an airport during a layover or during the commercial breaks of your favorite television show go ahead & give it try. Make room in your life for more positive connections & say goodbye to those contacts that have served their purpose.

Follow me on facebook for downsizing tips & inspiration!

Stasia Cymes,

Professional Organizer & owner of Clear the Clutter (504) 920-1800

How Losing a Pet Affects Your Relationship with "Stuff"

A few months ago I lost not one but both of my beloved cats. Mazzy & Bartleby were my adopted family. My little girl, a talkative blue-eyed Siamese/Tabby mix came into my life as a rescue kitten when I was just 19 years old.

Mazzy Blue Earned the Nickname Princess Mae-Mae  

Mazzy Blue Earned the Nickname Princess Mae-Mae  

Bartleby joined us a few years later from the Humane Society, a handsome long haired tuxedo Main Coon with a love of food & 25 lbs to show for it. In 2011 the 3 of us drove from Seattle, WA to our new life in New Orleans. Bartleby loved walking on his leash & visiting with neighbors. He even got a taste of fame when I included his photo in one of my WWL-TV segments!

Barty Gras - Bartleby's 15 Min of Fame on WWL-TV! 

Barty Gras - Bartleby's 15 Min of Fame on WWL-TV! 

When Barty passed away in July I lost my best friend. For anyone that has loved & lost a pet you know firsthand what a sad & difficult experience this can be. While everyone deals with loss in their own way, I threw myself into work because I could not deal with my sadness. 8 weeks later Mazzy took a turn for the worse & joined her brother. I was beside myself but this time the world stopped. I took some time off work to process my loss. 17 years of companionship is a significant relationship & the house seemed so empty without my feline family.  

Family Portrait - A Typical Morning in the Cymes Household.

Family Portrait - A Typical Morning in the Cymes Household.

It took about a month before I could even consider moving their possessions. However the site of their empty food dishes & toys on the floor did not bring me joy. Because I work with clutter & help clients process their emotions through the process of downsizing I was very aware that by keeping their stuff where it was I was pretending that nothing had changed. The next phase of my healing process could not begin until I fully came to terms with my loss by dealing with the physical items that represented Mazzy & Bartleby. Many people fear that by getting rid "stuff" means you're throwing away memories, let me assure you that no one can take away your memories of a loved one! Instead honor their memory by selecting a few keepsakes that make you smile & let go of the rest. 

For more stories on the emotional aspect of clutter please follow me on facebook.